Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brothers, Boys, and Airsofting Toys.

Some of you might be wondering 'Hey Not-So-Average Teen, what did you do today??' Well I am here to happily inform you I went airsofting with my brothers and some good friends. If you don't know what airsofting is then I am truly sorry to inform you, you have been deprived.
Airsofting is by definition:
Airsoft  is a modern combat sport or recreational hobby in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting each other with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun (or Soft Air gun) powered by gas, manual spring-load, or an electrically-powered gearbox.
Are you feeling smarter? Cause I know I am. Pretty shnazzy definition right? Alright, so airsofting is just how it sounded in that ingenious definition. My family and I use it to mainly learn tactics and strategies and to, of course, have bundles and bundles of fun. As said so wisely by Samurai maxim ~Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice~ So we practiced today and it was super fun! It was fun to see some of the guy's tactics and to share guns and such.
Well, and the boy I like was there so that is always good. But my brothers and my father were also accompanying us. My dad and the older two boys are chill with me but the younger ones are whiners! Even so, it was a fun day.
Side note: my 'r' key is not working very well.
I think that may have fixed it.
That's all about my day today!
Thanks for reading!
Bless your face!
If you sneezed during this post then bless you!
Peace off! (Props to Toby Tuner)

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahahhahaha " If you sneezed during this post. Then Bless you!" I want More POSTSSSS!
