Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

So I just got done watching The Adjustment Bureau, for those of you who haven't seen it, I recommend it to all. It is a great movie and really gets one thinking about the life and its legalities. The Adjustment Bureau is represented in this movie as a business/bureau in order to make it relatable and make it something we all understand.
Now what they do is they keep humanity on "track" according to "the plan". "The Plan" is written by the Chairman, which can be symbolic of God (hints throughout the movie suggesting this but never actually confirming 100%), he writes "the plan" which can be thought of as Fate or Destiny. It is basically what is going to happen or what He wants to happen according to His plan. To which the 'he' I am referring to is a capital 'h' or not is completely up to subjective view by those of you who have watched the movie and depending on what you believe.
Matt Damon plays a politician running for Senate and according to "the plan" is supposed to win the election and go on to run/become the president of the United States. But this was a modified version of "the plan". Apparently there are many different versions that He writes, and is continuously writing. But Matt Damon's character, Dave, meets a girl named Elise, which happens to be his soul mate, or true love, as you wish to call it. Now they do acknowledge the fact that Fate does has power over "the plan" because Dave and Elise keep meeting by chance, despite the many efforts made by The Adjustment Bureau to keep them apart so "the plan" continues accordingly. But go on to explain that this Fate meeting was because in earlier versions of "the plan" Dave and Elise were supposed to be together so they are constantly drawn to each other. At the end of the movie, they defy "the plan" and completely inspired by the love they have for each other He rewrites "the plan" which allows them to be together.
Not only was this movie well made in the plot department, but it really gets one thinking about the possibilities of The Adjustment Bureau in reality. Do we really have  free will, or does every move we make a choice perfectly calculated to get to the perfect destination at the end of "the plan"? According to the movie, we do ultimately have free will to overwrite "the plan" but we need to:
1. Realize that we are being controlled.
2. Try to recognize it in our life.
3. Fight against it.
But many of us when we find something amazing we decide it might just be easier to look at it and say "Hey that's cool!" and leave it to be eventually forgotten. What we don't realize is the potential within all of us. Ultimately we do live in His plan. Now, to who that is I truly don't know. God, Allah, Annunaki? Hey, I don't know 100%, all I have are my ideas and theories. But we do live in the sentences and pages of His book. Everything happens for a reason, as I like to believe.
That relationship didn't work out?
Maybe your not supposed to be in that type of relationship right now.
Didn't get that job?
Maye there is something better out there for you.
There are infinite possibilities and outcomes to life, so don't be discouraged by that one plan that didn't work out in your eyes. What we truly need to find out is what is "the plan" and how we fit into it.
Another interesting point I found in the movie was the Adjustment Bureau worker Harry, was helping Dave against everything in "the plan" and against The Chairman. It makes me wonder about if we have any angels like that. Not only for good but bad as well. Maybe some deviation from the plan is a good thing, but we all hear about 'Satan' trying to discourage us from the path of God. So what if there were these employees or angels or whatever you want to call them that affect us and conflict us to deviate from "the plan". Something to think about right there.
Next point is that the Adjustment Bureau employee, Thomas, was explaining to Dave why they cant just leave humans to act as they want and let Fate go as it wants. He said that they helped us up to the point of the height of the Roman Empire and then we gave them the Dark Ages, they gave us the Renaissance and the Enlightenment Period as a hope that we would learn how to control our own Fates but we gave them WWI and WWII, the Holocaust and the almost destruction of the Earth with the Cuban Missile Crisis. At this point Dave pointed out that the world isn't in such a great state now so whats going on with that? Thomas merely said "Its still here isn't it?". Left to decide and create our own Fates we have almost killed the Earth and destroyed ourselves completely. I find a lot of truth in Thomas' words and the facts that we cant control our own Fates.
Its a lot to think about but the fact is that you are now thinking, and that changes "the plan".
Continue to think and theorize and dream.

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