Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Life.

Merry Christmas Blog-o-sphere!
Well, here we are Christmas day, and I honestly don't know what to blog about.
My mom got me a Espresso machine, which rocks cause I love coffee and means I would actually have to start making my own.
But what I really want for Christmas is to find out who my true friends are. Friends are people who are there for you through thick and thin, through crushes and romances, through laughter and sorrow. But as I sit here in my house with my family I only wish to be spending time with my friends like we used to. We used to all come over to my house and goof off, go to DJ's house and be idiots talking about string cheese and getting high off the caffeine in knock-off brand soda. We used to have dance parties in my room and just turn on the music and entertain ourselves for hours doing absolutely nothing.
And now I find myself growing older and maturing against my will. As maturity closes in, my friends close off.
I have a boyfriend, who I love more than anything in the world, and we are still able to act like we are seven and be as silly as always. But it seems to me that, once I receive this boy who has been my friend for years and the apple-of-my-eye for most of our friendship I see my friends drifting away.
My best friends now viewed as rivals and fearing every second that they can destroy me with the information we have shared. I know that they smile at my face then turn around and spit vile things to whoever is around. I know this to be to be true because I watch as they smile at each other then spit in my face as soon as one leaves. I have to close my eyes and mouth, and plug my ears to try and protect myself from this acid that eats away at each friendship until there is nothing but despair, confusion, tears, and yes, even hatred.
Even my "brother" is now more a acquaintance.
Of course, I have made new friends and became closer with those who have proven to be my true friend.
But it seems in my curiosity and unfamiliarity with relationships and playing the role of one's "girlfriend" seems to have its way of returning to bite me square in the tooshie.
Now, I know just as much as any little girl that has watched all the romance movies and read the fairy tales and dreamed of that prince, but I seemed to be completely unprepared for the dynamics of a true relationship. Not the boy-girl relationship but how this effects those around me and those who I have been close to.
Its like opening the Pandora's box on the people who you are closest to; one really begins to see the true colors beneath the masks and the make-up.
So, what I truly want for Christmas is to have friends. Not people in masks, but heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul friendships with those I care about.
Merry Christmas to everyone I hope it was a good one.